Workshops, Panels

  • Recently coordinated/facilitated a community podcasting pilot project (3 months) with Megaphone Magazine (Vancouver); episodes to be released soon and updates as they happen
  • Recently facilitated/provided audio mentorship for a community/language-based podcast construction and audio editing workshop series (10 sessions) with Nuxalk Radio (Bella Coola)
  • Ongoing Project Consulting and Workshopping (Vancouver & other regions)
  • Vancouver Podcast Festival by Doxa: Narrative News panelist with Alex De Boer, Hina Imam, Jamie-Leigh Gonzalez; moderated by Mo Amir
  • ‘Doing Feminism in the Pandemic’ series: guest presenter with Feminist Media Studio (Concordia, Montreal)
  • Soundwalking and Recording Workshop, Slow Wave Festival (Mayne Island, 2019)
five people gather on a colourful quilt, around a field recorder. They are chaining headphones. A sixth person peeks out in the background from an inflated picnic lounge chair
photo credit: Tony-Leah Yake
  • Vancouver Housing Stories Youth Podcast Mentorship: 14 session program with VIVO Media Arts Centre (Vancouver, 2019)
a group of participants sits around a table during a presentation
photo via VIVO Media Arts Centre
  • Soundscape Camp: Field Recording and Intro to DAW (digital audio workstation) tools and techniques (hands-on workshop for CiTR 109.5FM, Vancouver 2019)
  • Soundscapes: Exploring and Composing with Ambient Sound (hands-on workshop for CiTR 109.5FM, Vancouver, 2019)
photo credit: Alex de Boer


A person points something out on a laptop screen while two participants watch
photo credit: Alex de Boer
  • Still Creek Salmon Sounds youth mentorship project with VIVO Media Arts and Still Moon Arts Society (Vancouver, 2018)
photo via VIVO Media Arts Centre
  • “Hearing Spatial Narratives in Recreational Nature Zones” (poster presentation at Livable Cities Symposium, New Westminster, 2018)
Livable Cities
  • Getting Out in the Field, Asking New Questions” article on citizen science and field projects for Mission Environmental Stewardship Society newsletter launch, Mission, 2018
  • Audio Story-crafting (workshop on sound imagery and audio editing techniques at VIVO Media Arts Centre, Vancouver, 2017)
participants sit in various corners of the large main room at VIVO and one sits at the open bay door listening and making notes
Audio Story-crafting at VIVO Media Arts Centre
  • Field Recording: Tools, Ethics, and Political Dimensions (workshop on audio recording for social science research for Simone de Beauvoir Summer Institute, Montreal, 2017)
  • Sound Environments Workshop Series: Critical listening, field recording, and sound processing (18 hour workshop on incorporating dimensions of sound in research/creative projects, hosted by Milieux Institute, Montreal, 2017)
Participants stand in a circle with headphones and recorders watching a demonstration
photo via Milieux Institute
  • Forest Daydreams: Constructing Place in the Trees of Mission, BC (presentation in Mobile Methods panel at American Association of Geographers Annual Conference, Boston, 2016 )
  • Echoes and Reflections: A co-located soundmapping venture between Morecambe and Montreal (presented audio work as recordist/composer with the Montreal Mobile Media Lab and participated in artist’s talk and Q&A session, Montreal, 2016)
Echoes and Reflections audio fieldwork
  • Guest lectures at Simon Fraser University and Concordia University, 2016-2017. Topics included: Online Political Spheres, Space and Listening, Low-tech Approaches to Podcasting, Sound Environments and Soundwalking (200 and 300 level)
a line of twenty or so students walks across a soggy field and some outbuildings behind Concordia
Soundwalking with students at Concordia University, Montreal
  • TA and Lab instruction for Coms 276 (Sound 1) at Concordia University, 2015-2016 (including audio project development, field activities, audio recording, and effects processing)
  • Media Democracy Days SFU Collaboratory (4-session round-table with local public figures about gendered experience of the internet, Vancouver, 2015)