- Recently coordinated/facilitated a community podcasting pilot project (3 months) with Megaphone Magazine (Vancouver); episodes to be released soon and updates as they happen
- Recently facilitated/provided audio mentorship for a community/language-based podcast construction and audio editing workshop series (10 sessions) with Nuxalk Radio (Bella Coola)
- Ongoing Project Consulting and Workshopping (Vancouver & other regions)
- Vancouver Podcast Festival by Doxa: Narrative News panelist with Alex De Boer, Hina Imam, Jamie-Leigh Gonzalez; moderated by Mo Amir
- ‘Doing Feminism in the Pandemic’ series: guest presenter with Feminist Media Studio (Concordia, Montreal)
- Soundwalking and Recording Workshop, Slow Wave Festival (Mayne Island, 2019)

- Vancouver Housing Stories Youth Podcast Mentorship: 14 session program with VIVO Media Arts Centre (Vancouver, 2019)

- Soundscape Camp: Field Recording and Intro to DAW (digital audio workstation) tools and techniques (hands-on workshop for CiTR 109.5FM, Vancouver 2019)
- Soundscapes: Exploring and Composing with Ambient Sound (hands-on workshop for CiTR 109.5FM, Vancouver, 2019)

- Still Creek Salmon Sounds youth mentorship project with VIVO Media Arts and Still Moon Arts Society (Vancouver, 2018)

- “Hearing Spatial Narratives in Recreational Nature Zones” (poster presentation at Livable Cities Symposium, New Westminster, 2018)

- “Getting Out in the Field, Asking New Questions” article on citizen science and field projects for Mission Environmental Stewardship Society newsletter launch, Mission, 2018
- Audio Story-crafting (workshop on sound imagery and audio editing techniques at VIVO Media Arts Centre, Vancouver, 2017)

- Field Recording: Tools, Ethics, and Political Dimensions (workshop on audio recording for social science research for Simone de Beauvoir Summer Institute, Montreal, 2017)
- Sound Environments Workshop Series: Critical listening, field recording, and sound processing (18 hour workshop on incorporating dimensions of sound in research/creative projects, hosted by Milieux Institute, Montreal, 2017)

- Forest Daydreams: Constructing Place in the Trees of Mission, BC (presentation in Mobile Methods panel at American Association of Geographers Annual Conference, Boston, 2016 )
- Echoes and Reflections: A co-located soundmapping venture between Morecambe and Montreal (presented audio work as recordist/composer with the Montreal Mobile Media Lab and participated in artist’s talk and Q&A session, Montreal, 2016)

- Guest lectures at Simon Fraser University and Concordia University, 2016-2017. Topics included: Online Political Spheres, Space and Listening, Low-tech Approaches to Podcasting, Sound Environments and Soundwalking (200 and 300 level)

- TA and Lab instruction for Coms 276 (Sound 1) at Concordia University, 2015-2016 (including audio project development, field activities, audio recording, and effects processing)
- Media Democracy Days SFU Collaboratory (4-session round-table with local public figures about gendered experience of the internet, Vancouver, 2015)